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Should I Get A Generator For My Home?

Generator close up

We all know that there is no such thing as "too prepared" when it comes to emergencies, and generators are a great way to ensure that you can keep the lights on if your area loses power.

Should you get a generator for your home? The answer depends on several factors, including where you live, how much risk you're willing to take, and other concerns like cost or storage space limitations. In this blog, we'll look at some of these issues so you can decide whether buying a generator is right for you!

Unit Price

When thinking about purchasing a generator, it’s important to consider several factors. First, generators can be expensive. In addition to the initial price, you must understand that you will also need to store and maintain your new electrical unit.

On top of planning for the initial price is factoring in installation costs and maintenance fees over time. These are not meant to scare you away from purchasing a generator but rather provide the realities of maintaining a generator properly to get its full use. You don't want to buy a low-quality generator because it's cheap and then be out of luck during a storm.

Consider Where You Will Keep Your Generator

Location: Where will you keep the generator? Some models are portable, while others are stationary. A portable model might be best if you have to move it often or don’t have a permanent location.

Security: How do you want to protect your generator from theft? Your options include locking it up or putting it in an enclosure that can be locked. Locking it up will make it harder for someone else to steal but won’t necessarily deter someone who really wants your generator enough. An enclosure with a lockable door keeps out everyone except those who know where the key is kept.

Protection From Weather Damage: Generators need airflow to run properly; however, they also need protection from rainwater and snowmelt—generators are not designed to stand up well against these things! This means that keeping them outside (unless they're enclosed) will probably not work very well unless there's some kind of roof over them already; otherwise, water will collect inside them over time which could damage components inside, eventually leading to them not working anymore altogether!


Fuel Types

The most critical aspect of a generator is fuel availability. Diesel generators are the most economical; however, this can vary depending on fuel prices. Unfortunately, the reality with diesel prices recently is that fluctuations in diesel can turn your cheap fuel purchase one season into quite the expense another season. However, diesel generators are safe, smaller, and come in various portable forms.

Natural gas is your best option as it costs less to operate and burns cleaner than propane or gasoline; however, the upfront cost is quite steep. But if you're looking for an affordable, portable solution that doesn't require a special hookup to your home's electrical system—and won't stop working when the power goes out—then you may want to consider a gasoline-powered generator instead. Depending on the fuel type you choose is tied to your budget and needs.

Fuel Costs

You also need to consider how much power you'll need in an emergency. If you have a lot of electronics, like a home theater system or pool pump, you should consider getting a generator that can provide more power than needed for lighting and small appliances. Calculating these costs can help prevent surprise price surges in your utility bills.


All Electric Services has got you covered for all your electrical needs, including generators, so don’t hesitate to give us a call today at (407) 890-7782